Dorothy Horan, best known as dovima, with elefants (1955) Richard Avedon
I chose this photograph by Richard Avedon because I like elephants and I like how he positioned the women to look more graceful. She is more in the middle and not looking straight at the camera. Richard seems to take a lot of photos that have the peoples facial expression illustrate their emotion. In this photo you can't really see her expression but I think that the mood is kind of light and flowing.
John F Kennedy (1953) Arnold Newman
I chose this photo by Arnold Newman because I like how John F. Kennedy is not in the middle. He is positioned off to the side and the camera is turned more up so you can see more of the building. It really captures the beauty of the building as well. In a way it frames/makes a tunnel from the angle. Arnold has a style where most of the people in his photos are not centered. They really have their own unique way of who they are.
Yoko Ono Annie Leibovitz
This photo caught my eye because at first I couldn't see the person. I had to look really close to see the figure in front of the tree. I like how it is simple but also different. Annie's pictures capture their different sense of style.
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